
Thursday, 12 December 2019

If I was the principal for one week (summer learning journey

For summer learning journey (teaser week) we choose a challenge to do. I choose to do if i was the picipal for one week at my school. I have to write a list of five things i'll do to change the school. this was really fun to come up with the ideas and the learning behind this is politics because thats what this actually was about. I found it easy to come up with the ideas but hard to do the picture.

Thursday, 5 December 2019


Today for Cyber Smart we were learning about Phishing. And i'm going to teach you about Phishing. so lets start of with the definition "Phishing is luring someone into a site and stealing them from their personal information and Passwords" (not the real definition I don't think) Lets put you up for a challenge at the end I send you a link and you can comment whether or not you think its fake or real. now how to know if its real or fake, usually if your'e at school you will have a green lock for secure. but if your'e not look for the https. "but what If i'm on an online store" well look for if its a real store not just online (unless you're buying merch) now also don't trust Wikipedia. and it could be to good to be true! I found it hard to think of stuff to mention and easy to see if its fake or not! now time for the links
https://zapa fake or real? An Animal named Mule Real or Fake?

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

easy math work sheet

For maths today we had to finish off our work sheet from yesterday. The math sheet was actually easy for me! the math sheet was the same as the other one with just one new thing, the new thing was a spider who had 56 on its back and timestables all the way to 9. (which are easy) (when you give me time to work it out). we also had to show our working out in some small boxes so we write small. I broke it up into two pieces just like i said in my last post about the other sheet! I found it easy to do the sheet and hard to do nothing really. here it is!

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Using place value as a multiplication strategy

For Math's we got a work sheet where we had to answer stuff like 27 x 6. before we got the sheet we got asked ways to answer 24 x 8. I said to break it up into 20 x 6 and 7 x 6. we got a sheet that asked us to break up the answers and plus them together to get the real answer.I found it easy to get the answers but hard to write them (My thumbs really bruised all around it) here it is

Friday, 29 November 2019

Harry Potter

For Math's we had to do Harry Potter. We looked at the timetables of the buses that come at certain time at different station. for example Herbology bus A arrives at 6:30 and then we would answer the question about it at what time it leavs and arrives at one place and then we'll do the same for bus B and C. there was a total of four questions with three answers. I found it hard tofigure out four because I didn't read it right. and easy to do the other answers especially four afterwards

Crack the code

Can you crack this code? For Math's we had to figure out a code on a you tube video. we got a number of combinations that it could be. but the thing is it isn't just the combination its in other ones. it was a three digit code. and the combinations we got were 682, 645, 206, 738, 780. for the 738 none of the numbers were right so we remove all the 7's, 3's and 8's. now our only numbers are 0 2 6 and 4 5. the 6 can't be in it. so we don't add it. a five wont be in it so take that away. now our numbers are 402. now It can go in any order 402 or 042. i'm going with 402. what do you think it is? And I guess the learning behind this was trial and error also paying attention. I found it hard to jigure it out the first time and easy to do it the second heres a picture and video!

Monday, 25 November 2019


For Math's we had to do factors we got a sheet that asked us to write down all the factors from one to twenty. we wrote the numbers in our Math's books and started to write one, under all of them. then we wrote the actual number under them and other ones that add up to them. we then answered the other questions like how much even numbers are in all of your numbers.

I learnt how all the factors in 1 to twenty. It was hard to do the questions but easy to write them down because they were short and sharp.

Have you done this? and if you don't know what factors are they're the numbers that times to get to tha`t number for example 8. 4x2= 8

Friday, 22 November 2019

Fake dream destination

Hello again. this is my blog as you know. for Cyber smart we were learning about fake/ fraud. we all got a chrome book ad had a discussion about fake things what could be fake. now lets do a run down. whats fake 1. pop ups 2. links. 3. people online and four people using back grounds to pretend they´re there. and that´s what we did we got a picture of our self posing. (well i wasn´t :/) and got it onto our drive we went onto to remove the back ground. and then we went to to get a different background. we put it onto the drawing and boom were there. here it is I found it hard to get the photo. and easy to do the ¨pose¨ please ignore my face


Today in homeroom time I learnt what a Kenning is. If you are unsure or unfamiliar of what this is well i'm here to tell you. To make a kenning first think of something... for example an animal. lets go with a bunny, so what is some adjectives about it or things it does. well it hops so lets say A BIG hopper. now that ends with an er all the lats words have to end with er. now what else does it do? it eats carrots so we could say a carrot muncher or a carrot lover. now you guess what it is. if you guessed it you made a kenning. for a short explanation. its a poem that gives you little hints that obviously ends with er. your probably wondering 'Oscar... what's your one? well here it is and I found it hard to think of what it does and easy to draw it here it is!

Tuesday, 19 November 2019


No. this isnt your daily cheat im not gonna tell you what 100 x 38. but instead this is about time. we ruled out a box 13 x 7 that's what I did  we write down names of train stops? in the left side of the box and the departure time on the left. we then got asked three questions "How long does it take to get from leather head to Epsom" "How long does it take to get from Wimbledon to Waterloo" "how long does it take to get from Epsom to Waterloo" at the end I will show you the answers :D did you know these are real places. I found it hard to fit it in (i was at the bottom of my page) I found it easy to do the answers.

have you been to one of these places? if so what one? "
 sorry if you cant see it :(

name art

For art we had to make a name art. We took the first letter from our name and draw it on a small piece of paper we did our letter really big. we then either did patterns in our letter our outside. the patterns were zig zags or zen tangle. If you don't know what zen tangle patterns are they are patterns tyhat look real and cool. I did normal patterns because i'm not really good at art. I decided to do mine on the outside. I found it easy to do the letter but hard to think of the patterns. did you do something like this?

here it is

Thursday, 14 November 2019


For literacy we had to make a collage about the story ĆÆn the beginning¨ if you don´t know what a collage is it is  where you can only use different shapes to make a picture of something. in the story in the beginning these Maori things try to separate their parents I made the one that managed to do that!

I learnt how to make a collage and more about Maori stories.

I found it hard to make it and easy to think of the one to make

Have you made one of these? if you have was it hard?

Monday, 11 November 2019


On Friday, the year sixes and fives went to the Sumner beach to learn how to surf, Body board, and maybe actually using your body to surf.  We got told about keeping yourselves safe, how to surf (going through the stages on your stomach, push yourself up twist your foot and pull up.) we got giving our wet suits ones that fit us. and went to get change into them. we got out and my group (Dolphins) (we got given group names) went body boarding first or you can call it boogie boarding. We had to wait for the surfing people to get down to the beach first and then we went. We got given a purple vest and went into the water. Me and the rest of my group went out to a MASSIVE wave and started to hop on, the wave WHOOSHED us back to shore and we did the Shuckers sign which means that you got an AMAZING wave. once we were done we got something to eat and went down to make sand Castles. we got into groups and made some then we got group photos (Hopefully I can show you them :D and some more) the last thing my group did before  going back to school, was the SURFING my favorite.
we got reminded about the stages and got into the water. i walked in and saw my first wave. i walked up to it and started to pedal away and then it hit me Three power splashes. pushing myself up twist my foot and stand up I just got up and I hit shore "WHOA!".  But it was fun so it was fair :D

I found it easy to surf but harder to body board even though I've done it!

Have you been surfing or body boarding if so then did you enjoy it? BYE!

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Fractions and blocks

For Math´s we had to go onto a sheet. On the sheet it had to blocks that we had to draw, and then we would be givin a fraction like 1/8 of 32 and we would shade in the blocks of the number that it equaled so it would be 8. so we would shade in eight blocks. We are learning to read fractions better and how to draw them and shade them in. learnt how to read fractions better. I found it easy to draw the fractions but hard to work them out

Friday, 1 November 2019

Where is? Kei hea

For te reo Maori we are learning to say whean an object is. We learnt about what the singular and plurals in Maori. Kei hea te or a- Where is
kei hea nga- where are. If you dont know what a Plural is it means multiple. sdo basically if I had six carrots then that means I have plural carrots. And singular is basically a single thing (One) so if I had one carrot in my hand then I would have a singular carrot.

here are some for you

kei hea ____ Kuri?

kei hea ____ Jane?

kei hea ____ wherpaku?

and here is the picture BYE! :)

Monday, 21 October 2019

The zones

For Homeroom time. We had to go onto the site and get onto P.E and Health. we made a copy of the four zones and fill out what people would feel around me. what they will think and what they would say. we then took a screen shot and put them on our blog. I learnt more about the zones and the feelings in them. the easy thing was to do the zones and the hard one was the blogging. if you don know what the zones are they´re basically your feelings. Blue is Sick, Sad, Tired, Bored. Yellow is Frustrated, Worried. Excited, Silly. Red is, Angry, Mean, Yelling, Out of control. and finally Green is Happy, Calm, Focused, Ready To Learn. Hope you know these now ;)

Tuesday, 15 October 2019


For literacy we had to do a character profile about Kaysha ¨Because of Walter¨ this was Fun because we could draw her (I didn´t really try) The story is Kaysha goes into foster homes and then meets a family who is nice but the little girl does n´t want her in the family. I found it hard to draw her and easy to think of what she does. The learning here is we should treat people equally?

3 ways to show 169

For Math's we had to pick a number. Once we got that number we had to get math's materials to show 3 different ways to get to that number. I choose 169 (it's in the title) and the ways were easy to make. I used some cards but there was no one so i used an ace instead. I learnt different  ways to make 169.
I found it hard to get the materials. and easy to  make the numbers. Here are my ways

Thursday, 26 September 2019

(Gems) Old man writing

For literacy we got shown a picture of an Old man. we then had to brain dump on what hes doing. After that we went in our books and wrote down an Introduction to our stories that we were going to make. we went onto our Chrome books and wrote down our introduction along with more parts of the story we were going to make. when we were done the whole story we edited buddy checked and blogged (Right now) The learning behind this was making  good long story with body A.K.A (The parts of the story) i found it hard to come up with the idea(s) the easy part was writing them down. Here it is 

Tuesday, 24 September 2019


For literacy we had to draw something that we like to do in Nature. We then had to send it to somewhere with an explanation of why we like to do this. I drew me exploring and I wrote I  like to Exploring. I didn't color all it in and I know the drawings might not be good we ticked a box of why we did this. I learnt how to draw a bit better. I found it hard to come up with the Idea and easy to draw it.

times tables strategies

For Math's we had to do some timestables strategies we got given some times tables questions andd we had to figure out how ot work them out in two ways to figuere them out. The questions were 5 x 68 EASY 4 x 97 EASY 7x 26 EASY 8x 197 Easy.

How I figured them out so first I times ed them by 5 x 6 5x 8 and since its a two digit I added a 0 (I did it with the others) and for the second I did them in groups so 6 groups of five 30 half 80 and theres your answer 340

The learning here is finding out new strategies to figure out stuff

I found it hard to do nothing really and easy to figure them out BYE!

Still Chill

Monday, 23 September 2019

Bucket filling

Hey your looking good today did you change up the hair a bit? there I probably filled your bucket! and bu the title and that you know that we are learning about bucket filling! I am trying to improve on my bucket filling. we watched a video that you might know from a long time ago and it told us about bucket filling. we then had to think of things that we could do to fill a bucket. We learnt about scooping into someones bucket now it doesn't fill your bucket nor does it to the person your doing it to. so do scoop to scoop you have to do the opposite of filling a bucket DON'T DO IT. we created a google drawing,Bite able or Powtoon. I found it easy to find the things I wanted to improve on and challenging to really nothing... did you do something like this?

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Easy division

For Math´s we had to go with the teacher and do Division (It was EZ) the questions were 4 divided
by 44 and 6 divided by 60 also 48 divided by 6 :) I didn´t really learn anything it wasn't hard but it was easy to get the answer Sorry  if the photo isn good :/

Friday, 13 September 2019

Number Plate

for Math's (Not strand) we had to make Number Plates with our Initials on it mines in the bin so im borrowing one. we had to write number next to our initials two had to make ten then the other two had to make a different number. so it could be 2789 2+8= 10 7+9= 16 so it would equal 26. I found it hard to think of what numbers to put down but easy to get the answer. This is the one I borrowed see if you can figure it out BYE!

Nest Eggs

For Homerooms/Math's strand we had to do something called nest eggs it was hard to do the graphs if we didn't get it finished we couldn't go to morning tea but I finished it (Of course.) we had to read follow instructions on a book and get them done. At first I keeped on messing up but then I got it I learnt how to make good graphs I found it easy to get the math's right but hard to make the graphs here are some pictures

Friday, 6 September 2019

Canva weekly wrap

Today we made a weekly wrap on Canva. Canva is a app where you can make posters info graphics etc. and a weekly wrap is something that my class does in a group duo or by your self, we go onto C
anva and make an info graphic. for the title we put in Weekly wrap this is what Punui-O-Toka has been up to for the past week! :) I worked in a group with Tyler S.R (Mostly because he's in my Canva Team) But anyway Canva Is a FUN website were you can share your work and more :) I think Iv'e told you about this website but it's that cool! Make sure you don't use premium or pro unless you've payed! I found It easy to think of what subjects we will do. and Found it hard to write it down BYE!

Image analysis

For literacy we were learning about the difference between boys and girls (well not really) anyway we got given a task to copy a doc and on the doc there was a picture of a Boy playing with Girl toys and a Girl playing with Boy toys and we had to make 5 statements about this (This was really about stereotypes). I found it hard to come up with the last three statements but I got it and  Found it easy to get the first two. I didn't really learn anything (I'll just say I learnt about stereotypes) BYE! 

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Fair or Foul

For literacy we are learning about equality and quantity. We had to do a thing called Fair or Foul and it was easy here it is I learnt about what quantity is (I already knew what Equality meant) ! BYE! :D

Friday, 30 August 2019

Mission to Mars

For Inquiry we had to make a google docs, a google drawing or on a big piece of paper. we got to get into groups my group went on a docs and we had to research about mars and find out  what a humans  has to have to survive in their daily life. we then had a discussion about what topic(s) we did. I did Oxygen and Water for oxygen I made a tube that pumps air into the tube and when it runs out just put AA batteries into it and it´ll run up again. and for water I made a tube with water in it and you put a hose in your mouth and pull a lever that will send the water out, there
are also buttons that you can press that will adjust a wall and either release less or more here are the pictures BYE!

Winter sports

Last Friday we did winter sports. If you are wondering what it is, it is where you can  choose what sport you want to down out of hockey, rugby/league, soccer and netball. I choose soccer and it is hard because my team doesn't spread out but we are decent. I had to go into the other team because they didn't have enough players. And I got one goal and a teamwork with another. I half won and half lost because My actual team lost but the team I was on won this was fun. I found it hard to keep it in and not out and it was fun! BYE!

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Different learning websites

We got a challenge that we can't use google Presentations because its old news. I will be showing you Sumo paint and. Sumo paint is a website where you can draw do art and more! this is a really good site and I have been using it we had a challenge on it too! we had to make a scene in outer space and the winners got a lollie pop (I didn't win) You should try it! :D

It's better than google drawing because there's fun shapes than boring shapes and you have different things to use and if you use paint brush you can use different splashes you can also use different sizes!

Friday, 23 August 2019

Canva Maori Weather book mark

Today for Canva we finisher our Canva Maori Weather Book Mark. This was fun to find the pictures and use them I got five on my book mark I learnt about another Maori weather and I found it easy to get the pictures but hard to come up with the idea of the back round and how much pictures we put in but I just went with the normal blue one here it is

Monday, 12 August 2019


For Inquiry i´ve finished making my diorama, we had to make a label for it. We got the option to choose out of three groups and I choose Diorama. The label took ages to load  this was fun and I choose to do the solar eclipse, It was hard to glue stuff together and come up with the idea on how to do it, the easy part was to make the objects.

I can´t get a photo because the I-pads just break

Thursday, 8 August 2019

The Moon Landing

For Literacy we had to do a story about Space. We either did a perspective of the kids back in the 90's, or Neil Armstrong, I had no idea for we had to start my story of with. But anyway here we go!

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Saturn Information report

Hello! For the past 2 weeks we have been doing information reports! this was really hard but I did it! YAY!!!! Here it is...

brain teaser

Hello! yesterday we did a brain teaser but I didn't blog it I did this with Tyler S.R, it was easy but it took him 5 times to draw here it is

(O3O) by

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Math's starter of the day #2

Today for our Math's starter of the day #2. we had to figure out where the blue dot was and it was in the middle of two red dot's this was easy claps I found out that one of the dot's was at 00 and the other was in 43 easy Try this out and i'm sure you'll find it in seconds! BYE!

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

brain teaser in space

For Math's me and my friend Tyler. r did this brain teaser it was hard but with our team work we did it! so we had to get 142 by using 2 9 1 7 2 7 5 and using (Times, +, divide, and -) so we did Times and then minus at the end we wrote it down in our books here it is It was fun!

Bye :-)

Monday, 22 July 2019

Math's starter of the day!

Hello readers,
we got told to do a Math's starter of the day, It was hard we got given questions like 2345 divided by 8 they were hard so we used calculator. I wrote them down in my book here were the answers



Friday, 5 July 2019

Treasure maps

For math's strand we made Treasure maps! this was really fun we had to get grid paper and instructions on what to do and we made a small island on the grid we put down 6-8 spot's on the island and name them then we made a starting point and an end point we had to use North South West and East and 100m because it was easy and each square would be 100 m I learnt more about coordination's! Bye!


For the past two weeks we have been doing Matariki and for literacy me and Tyler have been doing a Matariki slide about a story. The lesson was about Mitai and his brothers and how Mitais brother's got cursed by Fairy women and Mitai broke the curse and turned them into star's I learnt that some people believe that there are 9 star's and some people believe that there are 7 It was hard to spell Mitai's name because I didn't know how to spell it and we found it easy to come up with ideas and write down the story It was fun here is the slide (We added skits!)

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Inquiry hot air ballon

Hey Viewers.

For inquiry we had a choice to join 4 groups and we joined parachute we had to make a parachute/ Object to make a Lego figure drop from a chair and my group did I was sick :( we made a hot air balloon  we got a thing to hold the bread and we got string and napkins we punched holes through the bread thing and put the string through the holes then made holes in the napkin and put the string through that and tied it up then ripped the bread thing the hard part was to put it together. my group was Oscar Tyler Kristian :)! It did work! because I guess the air went through the bread thing and it made Jack not fall out and it fell down slowly the challenge was to make Jack fall from our chair because it was cold outside, and not plummet to the ground and not break!

Maths warmup

Hey readers

Today we did a  class warm up with a buddy since my buddy wouldn't join me I choose someone else Tyler.r. we had to read a statement and write it down on a white board in a stop motion to see if it was false or not! here it is! he has the video
on his blog

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

8x 9x

For math's we did some 8x and 9x here they are!



Friday, 21 June 2019

Math's map grid

For Math's strand this week, we got a grid and we had to make a 8 by 8 in it. we put numbers from 1 - 8 down the side of it. And letters A - H up at the top and we had to make an X at 4 d and 8 b we started from 4 d and we had to use the directions 90 o (90 degrees) 180 degrees. 360 degrees and 270 degrees.
to get to 8 b. this was hard but we got to make our own path. we got a buddy and outside we got our shoes and jerseys on. and there was a grid we had to transport them from the start to end. I had Tyler, and on the first try WE GOT IT!!! and now we are blogging about it and we have to do another task about it. I  learnt more about degrees. I found writing down the directions hard. and making the path easy! BYE!

Monday, 17 June 2019

My Identity

In reading we made an identity drawing we had to fill out a servey from VIA! and the first five things wegto form the servey is what we had to put in with the picture. these were the first five things I got!


For math's  we made answers for a question a person went to a planet and there were weird creatures and all of them laid on their backs and put their legs up some had 7 some had 3 the man counted 52 legs. What answers did you get? here are mine

Thursday, 13 June 2019

My repetition poem

Today I finished my repetition poem. This was really fun and I learnt how to do this! so here is my poem but before I show you I found getting the idea hard and getting the words down easy here is my POEM!



For Math's today we did Sudoku's for shapes and numbers these were easy claps if you don't know how Sudoku's work you get numbers limited amount and you got to get all of the numbers in the squares but you can't have the same numbers in the same column's up and down I recommend numbers up to 4 but you don't have to and you have to but down some numbers down to start the person off Bye!

Left and right foot

For math's today we got into groups and measured our feet. (Tyler had the biggest) we got a question from our teacher she said. "Should we get different shoes because some of our feet would be bigger than the other?" I said No! because if you would buy another pair it would cost more money and if you had shoes one of your feet would be the perfect size and the other would still fit in it! bye!

Tuesday, 11 June 2019


For math's today we did a diagram. At first me and Tyler were confused but once we got help in telling us what to do we got IT! here are the answers!

the cabin in the woods

For literacy the past 3 day's we have been writing about stories we got to make our own story's with a friend and the challenge was to not talk you had to communicate on the doc using comments. I was working with Mitchell, we failed :/. But we got a lot of work finished! it was fun to! we had to make and introduction, Middle, End! here is my work Bye! what I found challenging was thinking of the ideas but writing them was easy!


once upon a time An old man told these  kids called Oscar and Mitchell that there was a mysterious cabin in the woods old and spooky it was like you were watching a horror movie. ¨psssst Sure there is¨ Mitchell said,  ¨well.. Then you´ll have to find out yourself.¨ the old man said. So they set off.

Over the mountain through the cold icy blizzard and finally at the creepy old woods. They keeped on moving through the damp woods. They were scared it was like a billion murderers were chasing them, then Oscar stepped on a twig and mitchell get´s a fright, But there it was the cabin ¨ Gulp¨ Oscar gulped. Let's go in they were anxious it was like They were going into a basement damp and spooky it was like there were alot of people that they didn't know. As it got dimmer and dimmer suddenly a light appears
A bright light like you were looking at the sun. as a bunch of rooms appeared and a trap door got set off Mitchell falling down but then oscar grabbing his hand at the last moment he could ¨Thanks Oscar!¨ Mitchell said ¨Let's keep on going. Cause there is no way out…. See!¨ Oscar said they looked back and then set off again jumping over the trap door  then they walked into a room and the doors shut as a figure rising upon the ground, With one eye the other eye was gone, Blood spread all over him, and all torn up. ¨yeah nah,¨ they both said. As he started rushing towards them with
humans coming out of him they dodged it. Then they ran pressing a button and then fleeing. ¨That was a big oof!¨ oscar and mitchell said. Then a t.v comes out from the roof showing a camera on them. ¨Huh?¨ Oscar said. And then it lost connection. Then turning back on and a person with small white eyes and instead of white the ball is black and he's looking insane just staring at them. But then to turn back off and the doors opened. Then in the next room a piano playing just one deep key over and over. And they could hear whispers. But they couldn’t make out what they were saying. Suddenly they heard someone banging on the door and blood pouring down from the walls then. The door busted down


the same guy appeared, but this time looking more crazy and sinister, holding a bloody knife in his hand. “Well, we need to work harder and faster.” Oscar said “Got it!” mitchell replied. Suddenly the crazy man started running really fast and tried to stab Mitchell but him and Oscar started beating him up started with the face MItchell kicked him in the face sending him flying then oscar jabbing his face on the table. The grabbing a shard Of glassing and stabbing it through his heart. He started making noises. Andhisfacedissolving then he turned into liquid. Never to be seen before then the piano stopping and the walls turning into logs they found themselves back in the cabin. “W-we did it?”
Oscar said confusingly. “But the door is blocked” Mitchell said. “I guess we’ll have to find a way out” He said again but a T.V turned on showing the dead body of the crazy person. Then turning off. A wall opened up and they walked out. “We finished yus!” Oscar said and they never came into those woods again. But every day they would see more and more hanged people and someone staring at them and they would always have the same bloody knife, one time they were also looking downn and saw two people lookong like them then they turned around with their faces looking like Oscar And Mitchell with their faces cut from mouth to cheek on both sides wiht one eyeball missing Oscars form the right and Mitchells from the left. And their arms missing oscars from the left and Mitchells from the right. Oscar and Mitchell started running once they started chasing after them with their mouths open and a horrible screech coming out of their mouths until they hit a wall they realized they were in stuck in this world they had to find a way out until a portal opened up and they ran through to find themselves in their normal world they never went near that froest again.

Feedback by cameron and treyvon we really like your work

Monday, 10 June 2019

answers to 24

For math's today we made answers to 24 or 111 an other numbers I choose 24. and here are my Answers.

Thursday, 6 June 2019

9 Stick squares

For math's today, we did this thing were we had to make 9 squares out of some sticks. We got into our groups and started making them. We also had a question about it how many toothpicks would Jan need to make 9 Squares. I got 31 here is my one from my group. Bye bye!

Friday, 31 May 2019

my hiding spot!

Going on a bear hunt map

In Math's we are learning about directions. We listened to the story were going on a bear hunt. We picked out the obstacles in the story. We then drew a map of the story. We had to carefully think about The directions, and where the obstacles would be. Then we had to write directions from the house to the cave we had to use North, East, South and West