
Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Hangi 2

Hangi Happening

What is a hangi

A hangi is what you celebrate
Eat food and a pit which food is
Cooked on heated stones

Hangi 1

WHAT IS A HANGI?Hangi Happening

What is a hangi

A hangi is what you celebrate
Eat food and a pit which food is
Cooked on heated stones

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

staring to learn about the day of the dead!

today we finished Chinese new years and now im on the day of the dead. The teacher told us to make a choice carnival or this so i of course choose this. we had to make a blog post about what we knew about it and then ask someone else about what they know. you go to your dead loved ones grave and we watched this video about both of the things and this girl went up to her mums grave and a flower sucked her in but that´s all i know for now bye!

Monday, 25 June 2018

chinese new years notes

hello this is my chinese new year notes we have been learning about chinese new years these are the notes i made enjoy the slide show! :)

Friday, 22 June 2018

blog post about yesterday

yesterday and the day before i was sick so im going to write about my day my brother gave it t me so i stayed with my dad and my brother so i played with the switch and my brother was on the computer while my dad was watching television. after some time i had a wee snack i was hungry so i asked if i could go on the comp. so my dad said "five minutes" so after five minutes i got on and my mum got home and in 30 minutes we had to go to bed the end

Friday, 15 June 2018

this picture (blog post)

*caw caw* “oh no! Stay here raven you might be angry but please we dont want the queen to die!” *CAW CAW* and with that one call from the raven… The wind circled around both of them the raven turned really black. The tower grew bigger and bigger HUGER AND HUGER! Even though he felt scared he could face it! and he heard the heavy wind. He ran to the bird but it must of been radioactive because it pushed him over. Flowers falling down. The sky became darker and darker. The mans cape began to rip rocks became weird he smelt the unusual rocks somehow. His pants became red the ground began to crack he felt the stuff that the wind blew. It was scary how the tower was fine then it all stopped he tasted the rest of the wind and it became lighter  it was night it must of been a couple of hours *deep breaths* “please s-t-o-p thi-s once it’s day this will be over” he took deep breaths again he promised to the bird. that was my story i think… ok continued soon- its really good- Hunterf

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

maths mesurment

Title -  Measurement

For our strand Maths we have been looking at measurement.
We have learnt that 1 metre equals 100 cm and that there are 1000 metres in a kilometre.

We have also learned how to measure objects around our school.

The most challenging thing about measuring is getting the measuring in the right place
The activity I enjoyed most was one where we had to measure the tallest tree in the school because

My group measured the cubbi and it was about 3 meters long/wide. This measurement can also be written as mm cm m km

Monday, 11 June 2018

chinese new years

  for the last two weeks we have been learning about china new years
i don't know much about it but this is what i know lanterns dragon things we will learn more soon!